How Fulfill Is Working To Provide For Those Affected By Government Shutdown

What We’re Doing to Help

Fulfill  is prepared with the necessary steps to uphold their responsibility to the community. Fulfill will continue to work with donors, staff, and partners on national and local levels to ensure there is enough food and resources to help serve the potential rise in individuals needing assistance. This could include federal employees, veterans, SNAP recipients, seniors, and others whose income is tied to the federal government. Should pantries see an increase in clients, Fulfill is equipped with the resources to get the food to the places that need the extra food.

“Here in this moment of crisis, we are here to support our community with food assistance. There may be people who never thought they would be in this situation. We are your neighbors, we are here to help.” said Amy Jolin, Interim Executive Director at Fulfill.

Extended Hours to Provide Food Assistance To Furloughed Workers

Fulfill, which normally serves partner agencies with emergency food, is extending their hours on Monday nights, opening their doors for food distribution to clients in need for the first time since Hurricane Sandy. We recognize the impact of the government shutdown has a lingering effect. From January 28th and continuing into February, Fulfill will welcome government workers to receive food from 5-7pm in Neptune. 

Some of Fulfill’s partner agencies have also extended their hours to accommodate government workers as well;

  • People’s Pantry (Toms River) added Saturday’s from 1-3pm to their regular operating schedule
  • Bethel Church Food Pantry (Asbury Park) added 12:30-2:30 pm on Wednesday and Friday to their regular operating schedule
  • Christ UMC Food Pantry added Wednesday 6:00 pm -7:30 pm and Sunday 1 pm – 2 pm to their regular operating schedule
    *Please call pantry before going,  hours may be subject to change because of updated shutdown status.

Fulfill, along with the partners listed will be serving government workers only during these extended hours, and will require government IDs.

How SNAP Benefits are Affected

Additionally, SNAP benefits and program administration will be fully funded for January and February. February benefits have been issued early. USDA does not have enough funds to fully-cover March benefits. When SNAP client cards are loaded with February’s funds earlier than expected, they might also wrongly assume that the February benefits are “extra funds.” If you are a recipient of SNAP, this is your money for the entire month of February, so please budget accordingly.

In Need of Further Assistance?

If you are in need of further assistance, please visit and click the “Get Help” tab. From there you can access a full list of pantries and mobile pantries in our serving area. If you need additional support call Fulfill directly.

How You Can Help

Are you wondering how you can get involved? Help us take action;

  • Share a story, or send ours. If you are being impacted by the furlough and would like to share your story, we urge you to consider sending an open letter to your elected officials. Fulfill has written their own open letter to New Jersey elected officials, urging for a quick resolution to avoid contained impact.
  • Fulfill and its partner pantries are in need of volunteers to staff the extended hours. Please consider donating your time, get involved by visiting  and clicking the “How to Help” tab.
  • Looking to donate other items? In addition to non-perishable food items, one of our partner agencies, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Pantry, will be collecting donations including gift cards, cleaning supplies, toiletries, personal hygiene products, baby food, and diapers, etc. For more information please visit:

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