What Does It Take To Prepare 3,000 Meals?


Over 3,000 lbs. of turkey

1,500 lbs. of potatoes

1,200 lbs. of sweet potatoes (harvested by OCVTS students)

850 lbs. of stuffing

450 lbs. of green beans

90 gallons of gravy

1,000 holiday pies

OCVTS Students

This past November, students and staff at the Ocean County Vocational Technical School’s Brick Center took on the unprecedented task of preparing 3,000 Thanksgiving meals to be distributed through local social service agencies in Ocean County.

This tremendous undertaking was made possible by a community partnership. The FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties provided over 200 turkeys and Community Medical Center of Toms River donated funds to purchase the fixings and ingredients needed. Farmers Against Hunger provided 850 pounds of butternut squash.

When this community service project began years ago, about 38 meals were distributed. With growing demand, the determination of the students and staff helped prepare and distribute 3,000 meals in 2014.